Let's Talk: AFRO HAIR
This is the opportunity to have an online 1-2-1 open session with Tifanny Pierre.
These sessions can cover;
Have you got questions that you wanted to ask, but are not sure if it is OK to?
Have you experienced an incident in the workplace that has left you feeling less confident, and you would like to know how it could of been dealt with better.
Are you unsure of what the politically correct terms are?
Have you done a course and would like some reassurance in what you have learnt?
These are just a few questions that can be answered. Book your session now, you will feel more confident and reassured at the end of the session.
Up to 1 Hour - £50
Up to one hour is great for questions and some general advice and tips.
1 - 2 Hours - £75
Do you have questions and scenarios that you would like to be addressed? This session may be for you.
3 hours - £100
This duration is great for someone that is looking to gain reassurance in a technique that they might have recently learnt, or would like to have a refresher over certain areas that they do not feel confident in.